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Cast of Eko Eko Azarak

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Eko Eko Azarak ~Eye~ TV

In this section you can learn more about the cast of the Eko Eko Azarak series and see what other films they can be found in.

Kimika Yoshino


Date Of Birth: 9/5/1975
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birth Place: Kanagawa, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 165cm
Measurements: B85 W58 H88

Filmography (EEA Related):
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak Wizard of Darkness (1995)
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak II Birth of the Wizard (1996)

Other Filmography:
? - Genkaku (2005)
Kahori - Fantastipo (2005)
? - Sky High: The Movie (2003)
? - Sky High TV (2003)
Ozaki (female form) - Gozu (2003)
? - Unlucky Monkey (1999)
Asako Kuramoto - Baja Run (1996)
Acri - Acri (1996)


Hinako Saeki


Date Of Birth: 2/16/1977
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Birth Place: Nara, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 160cm
Measurements: B75 W55 H78

Filmography (EEA Related):
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak III Misa The Dark Angel (1997)
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak TV Series (1997)
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak TV "The Second" Series (1997)

Other Filmography:
Ropeway Guest - Godzilla: GMK (2001)
Bunny Girl - Stacy (2001)
Tamaki Hasegawa - Gips (2001)
Mio - Ningen no kuzu (2000)
Kyoko Sekino - Uzumaki (2000)
Yano Aya - Zombie Snake (2000)
Yano Shouko - Another Heaven: Eclipse TV (2000)
Sadako Yamamura - Rasen (1998)
Fumie Hatomori - We Are Not Alone (1998)
Norie Otobe - Mask of Glass TV (1997)
Michiru Takamizawa - Messiah from the Future (1997)
Sonoko's neighbor - Hakusen Nagashi 19 no Haru TV (1997)
Ichi - Shin On-Yado Kawasemi (1997)
Maa-chan - A Quiet Life (1995)
Sugina Rinkaiji - It's A Summer Vacation Everyday (1994)


Natsuki Kato


Date Of Birth: 7/26/1985
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Place: Akita Prefecture, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Height: 168cm
Measurements: B83 W57 H85

Filmography (EEA Related):
Misa Kuroi - Ekoeko Azarak: New Wizard of Darkness (2001)

Other Filmography:
? - Gun Crazy 4: Tears & Body (2003)
Saki Sakurai - Battle Royale II: Requiem (2003)
Herself - Beauty Genius (2003)
Herself - The Mysterious Natsuki (2003)
Kamen Rider Faomu - Masked Rider Ryuji Final Episode (2002)
? - Tokyo 10+1 (2002)
Eiko - Stacy (2001)
? - Pop Beat Killers (2000)
Robina - Fight On! Robocon (1999)


Yoko Mitsuya


Date of Birth: 11/08/1984
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birth Place: Saitama, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 165 cm
Measurements: B87 W59 H88

Filmography (EEA Related):
Suda Kaoru - Eko Eko Azarak ~Eye~ TV Series (2004)

Other Filmography:
? - 69 (2004)
? - Donichi Love Vol.3 (2004)
Herself - Su Ha Da (2003)
Herself - On the Roof (2003)
Herself - Aquatic (2002)
Herself - Body Wave (2001)
Herself - Young Jump (2001)
Herself - Pure Girl (2000)
Herself - Visual Queen of the Year (2000)
Herself - Fainal Beauty (2000)
Herself - Mai-Go (2000)


Miho Kanno


Date Of Birth: 8/22/1977
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Place: Saitama, Japan
Blood Type: AB
Height: 160cm
Measurements: B81 W57 H82

Filmography (EEA Related):
Mizuki Kurahashi - Eko Eko Azarak Wizard of Darkness (1995)

Other Filmography:
Umi Yasumoto - The Happy Prince TV (2003)
Sawako - Dolls (2002)
Nagashima - Koigashitai Koigashitai Koigashitai TV (2001)
Kirika Tohno - Love Me Please TV (2000)
Sarasa Anzai - Mamotte Agetai (2000)
Yuka Irie - Hypnosis (1999)
Shizue Onoda - Shuumatsukon TV (1999)
Tomie Kawakami - Tomie (1999)
Hanako - Falling Into Everything (1998)
Rika Aoshima - Iguana no Musume TV (1996)


Chieko Shiratori


Date Of Birth: 8/10/1975
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Place: Yokohama, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 166cm
Measurements: B87 W59 H88

Filmography (EEA Related):
Shoko Takanashi - Eko Eko Azarak II Birth of the Wizard (1996)
Kaoru Okamoto - Eko Eko Azarak TV Series (1997)

Other Filmography:
Masa - Twilight Syndrome: Sotsugyou (2001)
? - Kyôhan (1999)
Mika - Metropolitan Police Branch 82 (1998)
Rei - Zero Woman: Dangerous Game (1998)
Kumi Takano - The Cherry Orchard (1990)


Rie Imamura


Date Of Birth: 7/25/1978
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Place: Kanagawa, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 153cm
Measurements: B80 W58 H80

Filmography (EEA Related):
Anri Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak TV Series (1997)

Other Filmography:
Saki Yamagiwa - New Generation Fudoh 3 (1998)
? - We Are Not Alone (1998)
Saki Yamagiwa - New Generation Fudoh 2 (1997)
Aki - Massacre Angel: There Is A Devil In The Video (1997)
Uehara Sakura - Baptism of Blood (1996)
Mistress Mayu - Legend of the Devil (1996)


Natsuhi Ueno


Date Of Birth: 7/13/1985
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan
Blood Type: A
Height: 164cm
Measurements: B82 W58 H85

Filmography (EEA Related):
Misa Kuroi - Eko Eko Azarak ~Eye~ TV Series (2004)

Other Filmography:
Aiko Matsuda - Sangeki-kan: Yumeko (2002)


Mio Takaki


Date Of Birth: 12/31/1959
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Birth Place: Fukuoka, Japan
Blood Type:
Height: 160cm

Filmography (EEA Related):
Kyoko Shirai - Eko Eko Azarak Wizard of Darkness (1995)

Other Filmography:
Ikuko (26 years later) - Chirusoku no natsu (2003)
Hanami Kozakura - Hakata Movie: Chinchiromai (2000)
Captain Megumi Iruma/Yuzare - Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey (2000)
Megumi Iruma - Ultraman Dyna (1997)
GUTS Captain Megumi Iruma - Ultraman Tiga (1996)
Kaori Himi - Chôkôsô hantingu (1991)
? - Kanbakku (1990)
Mayumi Hoshino - Ultra Q: The Movie (1990)
The Sister - Guinea Pig: Android of Notre Dame (1988)
Mitsuko Matsugae - The Berlin Affair (1985)
Hiromi Mizutani - The Shootout (1982)

Thanks for looking.